Our Workshops

Nothing beats experiential learning—learning through practice and doing.

All of our workshops are based on the combination of hands-on practice, real client settings
or case studies, immediate feedback, and continued mentorship after the workshop.

0-2 years experience in the field
Introductory 2-day workshop for beginners, focusing on fundamentals: drawing 101, active listening, chart layout and structure, capturing content on big paper, and supplies and logistics.

Intro Cornerstone

West Coast (Dates/Location TBD)

3-5 years experience in the field
Competency building, 2-day workshop for practitioners who are actively working in the field, focusing on finding your career path: identifying strengths and passions, understanding personal biases, promoting yourself and your craft during the planning process, partnering with others and discovering ways to play more.

Competency Cornerstone

West Coast (Dates/Location TBD)

5-10 years experience in the field
Mastery level for practitioners who have an active practice and seeking new ways to challenge themselves. These 1-day deep dives will focus on storytelling skills, synthesis, client engagement, graphic facilitation, visual templates, and visual experience design.

Mastery Cornerstone

West Coast (Dates/Location TBD)

All levels
One-day practice labs provide an opportunity to record 2 real live client situations. Each session is followed by feedback by experienced practitioners to help you identify areas of improvements and enhance your practice.

Practice Labs Learn More!

West Coast (Dates/Location TBD)

In addition to workshops, we provide one-on-one mentoring packages and custom in-house workshops.
Contact us for more information.

"Learning with Sophia & Lynn is a joy ride of enthusiasm and creativity. Their class gave me all the nuts and bolts of graphic recording but more than that, she gave me the confidence to go out and continue learning and practicing long after the class is over."
